Review: Rebound

Rebound written by Kwame Alexander

35999004So this is now the fourth book that I have read of the Carnegie CILIP Longlist. What I love is that it is the third of those books which features male protagonists in a genuine way exploring their feelings. It is also the second of those four books which is written in poetry.

I also really appreciated the aspects of this book that were written in graphic novel form. I love that concept of mixed medium, so a novel written in poetry rather than prose and interspersed with graphic novel pages. Definitely makes this a must read.

Like the other book I have read off the long-list I have gone into them with absolutely no concept of what the book would be about. If I am honest I am very quick to judge a book by its cover – and this cover would never in a million years have had me picking up the book – it was very clearly a sports book – and that is just not me. However while it did feature basketball it was a long way from being a ‘sports’ book.

I just looked it up on goodreads right now, to link to the author page and I see that it is the prequel to another book “the crossing” not a book I have read, but one I may now go and search for. Also note, that not even knowing this other book in no part diminished my appreciation of this book.

One other thing I really liked (There was a LOT to like!) was that while I suspected that the main character was black, to me it was never overtly pointed out and I felt that that made the character more relate able.

So the book deals with Charlie, who is on the rebound from his dad dying, and trying desperately to figure out what his life is now. I could relate on so many levels, having lost my mum when I was younger. The bit that really got me were comments like Charlie feeling like he should not be laughing any more.

I really enjoyed the role of the grandparents, and the clear desperation of the mother. But I also really liked that throughout the book, despite being lost, Charlie still had a really strong Moral Compass, and although he did not always pay as much attention as he perhaps should have, it was still there and was shaping everything that he did.

I love so so much that this is the third book I have read in a very short time which deals with these male protagonists. And not just in a stereotypical way, but you genuinely get to see their pain, and explore the journey of healing with them. I think these sorts of books go a very long way to break down some of the toxic masculinity in our society.

Definitely a must read if you are into adolescent fiction. It is a slice of life story and very realistic. Definitely don’t do what I would have done and let the cover put you off!

Mrs K
Genre: Adolescent Fiction, Teenage Fiction, Slice of Life, contemporary, realistic

Published by

Mrs K

A teacher and a book lover! A mother, a sister, a friend, a teacher, a daughter, a granddaughter. We get so busy so quickly it is nice to take the time to ponder and wonder and reflect!

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