Book Review: Our Crooked Hearts

Our Crooked Hearts. Written by Melissa Albert

Book 5 of 2023

This book was definitely one that I wanted to like more than I did. I really ended up struggling through it.

This book is told in two parts, one is the now – which focuses on the character of Ivy, who is a 17 year old, discovering that there is something not right about her mum. The other part is the mums story, from back when she was a teenager, and together you kind of get the story of witchcraft and what really happened. Or do you?

I found myself still quite confused, and that the final reveal or story was not quite as satisfying as what I wanted. Overall I thought that the book was really nicely written, but was not quite enough to keep me going.

Mrs K

Genre: fantasy, young adult, witches, mystery, horror, paranormal, romance, fiction, speculative fiction, book reviews, mrs K reads,

Book Review: The Wood Bee Queen

The Wood Bee Queen. Written by Edward Cox

Book 4 of 2023

This was one of those books that took quite a while to get into. It had a variety of different storylines that needed to merge. Once they merged I was totally engrossed, and the book was really good, I just would have perhaps liked them to get there a little faster. Also I would have liked the ending to fit better with who the characters were, and not be so rushed. Overall the pacing of the book felt off, and made it difficult to really enjoy.

I liked that it drew on various gods, and mythology that we all already knew, while at the same time managing to complete and create something new.

I also really enjoyed the major male protagonist, I loved who he was, and how that fit into what he became. The chemistry between him and the main character was also easy to love, and enjoy.

Overall despite the pacing issues it was a really lovely read, that I would recommend to readers.

Mrs K

Genre: Fantasy, Fae, Speculative fiction, fiction, Urban fantasy, Mrs K reads, Book reviews,

Book Review: While the Storm Rages

While the Storm Rages. Written by Phil Earle.

Book 3 of 2023

So this book I read because I absolutely raved about his other book last year (When the sky falls) which was amazing. This book had the same theme, with a focus on animals during the blitz in London, but I did not enjoy this one as much.

I did love the characters determination, and the ability of the author to manage to focus in on the single child experience amongst the background of the way – I think this is a real strength as often books have a tendancy to get too noisy.

I also really like that both of his books have the ability to take a topic that we have all had a lot of books on, and read a lot on, and take a new and different spin. This is a true strength.

Overall – it might be a litlle young for year 12 personal responses, but actually, would probably be good for those reluctant readers. Not this one, but I would also look at teaching his other book to year 10s.

Mrs K

Genre: Historical, historical fiction, speculative fiction, war, children, animals, young adult, fiction, young adult fiction, adolescent fiction, book reviews, Mrs K reads, Phil Earle,

    Book Review: All your Perfects

    All your perfects. Written by Colleen Hoover.

    Book 2 of 2023

    I have decided that Colleen Hoover is kind of a dark Danielle Steele. I am NOT here for it. This book was challenging on a personal level, however it was probably my favourite of the three colleen hoover books that I have read so far. I read this one and Verity because a student lent them to me and wanted me to read them. I do not think I would have sought them out on my own.

    This one was actually quite sweet in the end, and had a much happier ending than the others that I have read so it definitely had that going for it! Overall though it was kind of forgettable, and not something that I would recommend. It deals with marriage, so is an adult book, and not one that I think the stuents could relate to at all for personal reading responses.

    Mrs K

    Genre: Romance, contemporary, fiction, adult, Mrs K reads, book reviews,

    Book Review: Verity

    Verity. Written by Colleen Hoover.

    Book 1 of 2023

    Ok. I don’t get Colleen Hoover. Full stop the end. I just see that this won goodreads romance of the year 2019 and honestly I have never felt that the words What the F%$# apply more! How? What?

    I have no idea what I just read but I do not like it. I do not like how confused I feel at the end of this book, and the sheer amount of manipulation that is evident there. Nope. Just nope.

    I do not think that Colleen Hoover is for me.

    Mrs K

    Genre: Thriller, Romance, Mystery, Suspense, Book Review, Mrs K reads, Colleen Hoover, contemporary.

    2022 Wrap up

    Wow, another year, and for me it was a crazy one for sure!

    82 books read in total this year, which was a pretty good effort. So my top ten… (NOT IN ORDER)

    Firekeepers daughter – the cover alone! but also the source of identity and balancing your culture.

    When the sky falls – this is a book I keep telling everyone about, still!

    Blood traitor – this is the prison healer series, and is so good!

    Hatmakers – a younger read, but very original.

    Everyone dies famous in a small town – Another epic one, this one showed how things link together and things always have another action.

    Kingdom of the feared – another trilogy, but one I loved!

    Archangel’s Ressurrection – this one was not by favourite by Nalini Singh, but gets a mention because I love the series, and this is my total pleasure read.

    Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow – just a genuinely great book!

    Mrs K

    Book Review: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow.

    Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. Written by Gabrielle Zevin.

    Book 82 of 2022

    So I read this book, like so many others, on the recommendation of my stepmum, however I see that it also was the winner of the goodreads choice award for best fiction.

    I really enjoyed this book! It was full of nostalgia for the video games that they spend so much time talking about, but it was also super cute, with some amazing characterss, story lines and generally all round great writing.

    I would highly recommend this for my students – particularly the year 12 reading responses, I think it could really appeal to some of the traditional non readers who are interested in computers and gaming etc. It has those nostalgic elements whcih may be lost on a younger audience, but the story itself is enough to carry it through.

    The story follows Sam and Sadie, and without really wanting to give anything away because you 100% should read this book – it is a story of individual growth, identity, growing up, and the various elements of success. It is also the story of heartbreak, and horror, and the need to step up when you can and when you are needed to.

    Please go and read – this is such a great book.

    For the record – because everytime I see the title I think of the Kurt Vonnegut short story – it is nothing like that!

    Mrs K

    Genre: Mrs K Reads, Book reviews, Gabrielle Zevin, stand alone book, romance, computer games, fiction, contemporary, literary fiction, adult fiction, coming of age, speculative fiction,

    Book Review: Sorrow & Starlight

    Zodiac Academy Series. Sorrow & Starlight (Book 8) Written by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

    Book 81 of 2022

    I was super excited when this book dropepd on the 11 of December. Unfortunately what was a book I was excited about ended up to be a chore to finish that felt very much like it never ended.

    I am very honest that these books are by no means any kind of literature, and in fact are not ones that I would share with students etc. However, I have still enjoyed them, and I know I wax lyrical about the importance of reading for pleasure as well. Unfortunately this book really did just feel like hard work.

    It was LONG! like 1200 pages long. But with very little actual story or action. We got even more points of views from the different chapters to what we have had in previous books, but also had no understanding of time passing. The events could have been a day, a week or a year.

    There were definitely some good moments, but there was also a lot of stalling, and then one of my biggest peeves of all happened, after all they have been through and you think they are finally going to have the chance to be happy there is another twist, which of course will lead to the next book as well.

    Will I read the next book? Honestly I don’t think I will, certainly I will not be racing towards it like I did this one. I genuinely think that this is a case of a good idea being dragged out for money.

    Mrs K

    Genre: 2022 releases, kindle unlimited, romance, zodiac-academy, series, new adult, fantasy, fantasy romance, speculative fiction, vampires, phoenix, paranormal, urban fantasy, magic, enemies to lovers,