Book Review: Artefacts of Ouranos (Books 1 & 2)

Books 32 and 33 of 2023

Trial of the Sun Queen. (Book one) and Rule of the Aurora King. (Book two). Written by Nisha J Tuli.

So the first book was described as The Bachelor meets the Hunger Games. Ten women. A deadly contest. Only one can win the Sun King’s heart. Normally I am very wary of books that claim to be other books but with a twist. However something about this one drew me in and I loved it! I also thought that this book had similarities to The Prison Healer – which was a series I also loved! There were definitely aspects or parts which were predictable, but that was ok!

Book One focussed on the immediate story which was well written and drew in the reader. Book two gave us a lot more of the back story which was a really good balance. I look forward to book three where it all kind of comes together!

The series had lots of action packed story lines, lots of angst and drama. In saying that it is the same story we have read before, just in a slightly different context or location. Still a story I enjoyed, and definitely want the third book in the series at the end of the year.

Mrs K

Book Reviews… a round up!

Books 11 – 31

So it has been more than just one hot minute since I published a blog post on what I have been reading. You know how when you let something go for a little while and then you kind of free fall out of control – that pretty much sums it up!! Also there have been lots of changes in my life, and reading this year definitely seemed to fall a bit below survival mode! Still, I have managed to do some reading and feel like maybe I am crawling upwards from the pit and so anything is possible. More than anything else this is like my huge reading diary so when I see a book that looks cool but I am not sure if I read the earlier version I can search my own blog to see what I thought of the book, and if I read it. So from that point of view I want to push through and do some more reading and reviews.

So what are these 21 books I have been reading?

The first Six were The Bonds that Tie series. These are absolutely not books recommended for teens or students, or anything else. They are a reverse Harem series which was really good. Although had me skipping over lots of pages during various scenes. It took the mating bond aspect to a whole new level, but also had some really cool ideas about nature vs nurture, and a kind of predistined fate discussion about do we have any kind of control.

The next fifteen were in the last lot of school holidays when I re-read the entire Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh. This was just what I needed, a bit like a warm hug, following through all my favourite characters etc. It was also interesting reading them in close succession – as the first time reading I was always reading it a year or so later as the new one released. Reading them in close succession gave a much better idea of the links between characters and books, and the small hints etc prior to characters getting their own book etc.

I struggle to re-read books, happy to watch the same TV show over and over and over again, but books need to be new and exciting, so from that point of view it was really interesting that I enjoyed the re-read so much.

Finally something a bit more fun – just discovered this cool website which creates a literature map of authors that are similar to ones that you like. This was my example of my map here.

And there we have it – almost up to date! There were two more books I read when I was lucky enough to be holidaying in Hawaii but they were good – so I shall do those seperately! Then I am down to just what I am reading now.

Thanks for hanging around!

Mrs K