Book Review: The Thursday Muder Club

Book 37 of 2023

The Thursday Murder Club. Written by Richard Osman.

Ok, now this book was interesting. I am very interested that it is a male author – I definitely would have guessed female. The narrator has a very strong and authentic female voice, and in fact the female characters were more well rounded than the male characters.

On the whole I would say that I was very much on the fence for this book. It had some likeable characters, and the plot certainly took twists and turns that I could not have guessed. However the narrative style and pace of the book was absolutely frustrating. So the two balanced out for me in a book that I have no desires to read the sequels and struggled to keep reading.

I do like that it was quite a difference genre for me! I have not tried to do the Carnegie medal this year but I do enjoy trying to read a range of books. I do think that might be why my more recent reviews have been quite lacklustre – because effectively I am just reading the same book again and again!

I heard about this book on morefm. I found it really interesting because the DJ who had read it admitted it was the first book that he had ever read. When his co workers gave him a hard time about well how did he know it was good I felt genuinely confused. It does not matter if the book is “good” it only matters if you individually enjoy it – and if you do then it is good. I think sometimes that the preconcieved ideas about why we should or shouldn’t be reading does more hindrance than good, espeically in a world with falling literacy rates and less readers than what we have had before.

So did I enjoy this book? No. But if you did I am so happy for you!! Because finding books that we like is what we are all trying to do!

Mrs K

Genre: Mystery, fiction, crime, thriller, contemporary fiction, Humour, Adult, Murder mystery, Mrs K reads, book reviews,

Book Review:Crowns of Nyaxia

Book 35 and 36 of 2023

The Serpent and the Wings of Night (Book one) and The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King (Book two). Written by Carissa Broadbent

These are vampure books. I tried to explain to my daughter that I do not often read vampire books – I do read books that have vampires in the world, but not books about vampires per se.

Anyway – that was important because it meant that this felt like a book that I often would not have given a chance before. There were some moments that were quite predictable, but also definitely some moments that took me by surprise. I enjoyed the story and the characters. Overall a really good read.

Such a lame book review – I need to up my game – but not today.

This was a great book, had definite spice, and would be appropriate for the right student for personal reading responses, but not something to be taught.

I did really like the notion of family and loyalty that was explored as well as the imporatnce of fear.

Mrs K

Genre: Fantasy, speculative fiction, fantasy fiction, romance, vampire, magic, young adult fiction, Mrs K reads, book reviews,

Book Review: Wicked is the Reaper

Book 34 of 2023

Wicked is the reaper. Written by Nish J Tuli

This is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. What I love about retellings is that it is a story that already works, we know we like it before we begin. This one definitely had more spice than the disney version – a LOT more spice.

It was a great holiday read. As it is not an author I have read before I definitely will be seeking out what she writes, I see she has a sleeping beauty retelling as well.

The writing was good, good piece, good language etc.

A very short and sweet review – but it certainly is a book that you get what you expect!

Mrs K

Genre: Retellings, fantasy, speculative fiction, fae, young adult fiction, fiction, Mrs K Reads, book review, young adult fantasy, spicy books,