Book reivew: The Family Romanov

Book 41 of 2023

The Family Romanov Murder, Rebellion, And The Fall Of Imperial Russia. Written by Candace Fleming.

So this is definitely taking a wild swing from my normal reading, and is a total throwback to my love of history, and especially Russian history from the uni days.

This book was targeted at the young adult audience and I have to say that it was so well written!

I have read a lot of history books about this era, and this really focussed on the family in the way I have not read before, which made it really interesting. The other thing that this author did really well was balancing what was happening with the romanovs with what was hapening for the rest of the country, and comparing the life particularly of the girls with those of children in poor Russia.

Finally the other aspect that I really enjoyed was that of the story about the burial of the bodies, and later discoveries of the remains. This especially fascinated me because of all the stories about Anastasia surviving that have been such a big part of the narrative around this family.

Overall it astounds me how naiive the last Tsar was, but then in someways that was to be expected given the lack of training from his father, and the influence allowed by his wife. But people could have still overcome these two aspects, if they stood up to what was happening, and paid attention to their advisors.

It is a fascinating period of history, this book is written really well, and makes this topic accessible for young adults in an amazing way.

Mrs K

Genre: History, Non Fiction, Young Adult, accessible, russian histor, last Tsar, Family Romanov, Book reviews, Books, Mrs K Reads, 2023 Reads,

Published by

Mrs K

A teacher and a book lover! A mother, a sister, a friend, a teacher, a daughter, a granddaughter. We get so busy so quickly it is nice to take the time to ponder and wonder and reflect!

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