Book Review: Kingdom of Lies Books 2 & 3

Book 52 & 53 of 2023

A Kingdom this cursed and Empty & A crown this cold and Heavy. Written by Stacia Stark. (Kingdom of Lies; Books 2&3)

Ok, So this is definitely my last post for the year! Although hopefully maybe I will squeeze in another book. there have definitely been less books than in previous years, but honestly, given the year I have had I am stoked that I averaged at a little tiny bit over one a week.

It has been quite a year, and I fully admit that I have worked too much, and from that point of view totally used reading as an escape. There was no Carnegie short list this year, there was simple pure please reading. And I am totally ok with that.

So on with these last two books. Books two and three of Kingdom of Lies. I found it interesting, because the first book in the series I struggled with – a lot, right up until the last maybe 20% when it suddenly got good! These next two I have obviously read back to back, struggling or rather managing to read a few pages before sleep while doing 5am-11pm days! The characters are good, I have really enjoyed what has felt like quite realistic character development. The characters have gradually learnt to trust each other, but there is no one great moment, or childish withholding of information to punish the others. I think that the author does a really good job of ensuring that as the reader we are on board with how the characters are thinking and what their motivations are.

The story itself is not new in the fantasy YA world, however it is nicely done, and nicely paced and overall I have een impressed. I love the way that the female characters really have a chance to come into their own, especially the queen and Mandinia, I really admire Prisca and her way of trying to remain true to herself and her morals as she goes.

overall books two and three continue to really be an astounding story of true loyalty, found family, and leading with your heart.

A series, that despite the slow start is an amazing series that I would highly recommend and do look forward to the fourth installment next year.

I hope everyone has a lovely and safe holiday season full of reading.

Mrs K

Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Fae, Spicy, Fantasy Romance, Magic, New Adult, Fiction, Speculative Fiction, High Fantasy, Found Family, Relationships, Loyalty, Mrs K Reads, Book reviews, Stacia Stark, Kingdom of Lies,