Book Review: There should have been Eight

Book 3 of 2024

There should have been eight. Written by Nalini Singh.

So it is no surprise that I love Nalini Singh as an author. And I really liked her last thriller book. This one – all just got a bit much. It reminded me a little of the books I used to read as a teenager. Where you get to the end of the book and everyone dies (Don’t worry – not a spoiler!) It was that climax and then the following resolutions that kind of lost the book for me. I really enjoyed the exposition and the early story. The character development was great, and well thought out.

I almost feel like I would have enjoyed this book more as a friendship/family drama book than the thriller that it turned into in the last third.

Overall it jsut didn’t feel cohesive enough and the pacing was off. I still love Nalini Singh and will happily read her next book – whatever the genre! I still would highly recommend “Quiet in her bones“.

Ms K

Book Review: House of Flame & Shadow

Book 2 of 2024

House of Flame and Shadow. (Crescent City 3) Written by Sarah J Maas

I don’t totally know that I have been totally sold on the Crescent City series, certainly after book one I was very very on the fence about it. However book three converted me.

I loved all the characters, and I really loved that the characters kind of inner circle spread out and had some new additions. Obviously I loved the crossover, but I also loved that it was not the obvious kind of crossover that perhaps we all thought.

I really loved this book, and I loved that it didn’t end where I thought it would but gave us more. For one of the first times I really feel like I am not ready to leave this world and so I am very happy that SJM has confirmed there will be another book.

Overall I totally understand how vague this review is – but I really loved this book!

Mrs K